Update from March to September

It’s been a busy couple of months: since March, I’ve taken on non-profit freelance, I’ve been contacted for potential animation jobs, and I’ve been working on my physical health through roller derby. Soon after finishing my freelance jobs, I ended up involved in Jasper’s project, “The Supper Table,” where I rotoscoped a tribute to Althea Gibson the same year as the unveiling of her statue in New York during the US open.

The ride’s been wild and I’ve learned a lot—most important, I’ve prioritized working on my own projects rather than as an artist-for-hire. With a full-time job during the week, there’s only so much time I can give myself to work on creative projects and, when they aren’t something important to me, I feel stifled.

Here’s to what the future holds: I’ve got a lot of ideas and need to plan accordingly to follow through on them.

Thanks for visiting the blog, it’s mostly for me. Journaling is healthy, highly recommended.